West African Resources (ASX: WAF) is focused on creating shareholder value through the acquisition, exploration and development of gold projects in West Africa. West African is forecast to produce more than 4.0Moz gold over the period 2024-2033, with annual production averaging 420,000oz and gold production peaking at 473,000oz in 2029.

The company’s unhedged Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves stand at 12.8Moz and 6.1Moz gold, respectively.

West African poured first gold at its Sanbrado Gold Operations in Burkina Faso in March 2020, ahead of schedule and under budget. Since then, it has continued to expand its operations, securing 90% of the Kiaka Gold Project in Burkina Faso from B2 Gold Corp and partner GAMS-Mining F&I in 2021.

Kiaka will be a long-life, low-cost gold project averaging 234,000oz of gold production per annum for 20 years from 2025. Construction remains on time and on budget, with first gold production on track for Q3 2025.

The company also holds the Toega Gold Deposit, located within trucking distance (14km) of Sanbrado and will be a satellite mining operation, providing 6.5 years of ore feed to the Sanbrado processing plant. It is expected to commence production in H2 2025.

WAF project locations

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