Sustainability Reports

To view our Sustainability Reports, please click below:

Sustainability Reports


Our Approach

We acknowledge we have a responsibility to minimise adverse environmental impact and contribute to sustainable community development. Our approach to environmental management is founded in having a thorough understanding of where we operate, and in assessing and managing risks across all stages of our operations in consultation with our host communities.

WAF strives to align with industry good practices and internationally recognised standards for managing environmental and social risks.  Among these:

  • International Finance Corporation’s Sustainability Framework
  • World Bank Group Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Mining

    New water wells

  • International Council for Mining and Metals’ Mining Principles
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  • International Cyanide Management Code for the Manufacture, Transport, and Use of Cyanide In the Production of Gold
  • Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management

WAF in Action


WAF is continually looking to improve its environmental performance.  As our company grows and matures, so has our

Agricultural support programs

approach to environmental management.  Some of our key ongoing activities are:

  • Implementing a robust Environmental and Social Management System aligned with ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.
  • Commissioning a comprehensive review of our Sanbrado Project against the IFC Environmental and Social Performance Standards and actively implementing outcomes of the review.
  • Maintaining an ongoing environmental monitoring program to ensure we remain compliant with our environmental obligations and commitments.
  • Conducting regular internal and external audits of our operations, systems, and procedures.
  • Providing opportunities for our host communities and wider stakeholders to voice their opinions and concerns on our performance through a Grievance Redress Mechanism, accessible to all members of the public.


Community housing

WAF recognises that the success of the company relies on our ability to maintain a Social License to Operate.  Our social investment pro

grams are developed through social surveys, regular community consultations and by providing avenues for our stakeholders to share feedback and concerns.   Close collaboration with our host communities and governments allows us to jointly identify areas of need and how we can best contribute to sustainable community development.

Our social commitments primarily focus in the areas of:

  • Equitable employment opportunities in skilled and labour positions with an emphasis on local procurement.
  • Payment of taxes and royalties to help national and local economic development.
  • Social investment initiatives, including:
    • Supporting local youth in achieving different trades and driving qualifications.
    • Financial training and facilitating microfinance projects offered to men and women in resettlement communities
    • Programs and initiatives centered around health and wellbeing, including donation of personal protective equipment and hand sanitizer in the fight against Covid-19, donation of medical equipment to national and local health care centers
    • Agricultural initiatives to improve yield, crop diversity and to extend growing season.

New medical centre under construction

Financial management training