Mirey Lopez

General Manager - Sustainability - Commenced 2020

Mirey is an environmental and social specialist with more than 15 years’ experience working with the extractives industry, regulators, and financial institutions.  Mirey is currently responsible for WAF’s sustainability reporting and managing the Company’s environmental and social studies.  Her expertise is in environmental and social impact assessments to national and international industry standards, including the Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards, AfDB Operational Safeguards, among others.  Her professional experience includes working with mining companies from exploration through to closure assisting them with environmental permitting and due diligence, social investment planning, community consultation and stakeholder engagement.  Mirey has worked on the ground with gold mining projects across West Africa and Australasia.

She has a B.Sc in Biological Sciences (University of Alberta), MA in Environmental Management (Royal Roads University) and holds a Certificate in Engagement from the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2).